dirk königsfeld


The video was shot in May 2002. It consists of two sequences, the first one being superimposed onto a second one. Both sequences were shot on the same day in the same place, although the camera positions were approx. 15 meters apart. Both sequences were filmed in real time and then processed. The superimposition lasts for eleven minutes. The title describes the location in terms by its longitudal and latitudal co-ordinates. The starting point for my work was footage by the bridge during the remaining minutes of the day. I selected a low camera position at a distance of 100 meters in order to capture both the immediate environs of the bridge, as weil as a seetion of the vehicles moving upon it. The bridge is, both in terms of its function and its aethetic appeal, part of an urban reality, which I am keen to investigate, whereby I must confess to having particular fondness for the architecture and its environs. The second image in the video depicts a concert situation in a distinctly urban environment. A „Mouse on Mars" concert in fact, whose final song I used for the video. I am equally predisposed, if not more so, to the musical and atmospheric component here. Aside from my personal preferences, the thing that interests me most of all is the confluence of these significantly different conditions. An aspect worthy of note here is that it was not a question of simply portraying different places, but rather to juxtapose two different ways of seeing within one and the same place.